Online Tutors in Abroad
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Perfect Tutor connects parents and students with highly qualified online tutors worldwide. Our tutors offer personalized attention across all subjects and topics. At Perfect Tutor, you can access complete information about top tutors, including their qualifications, fees, reviews, teaching methodologies, and more, we also make sure that each student has a better learning experience in their academic journey.

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Hire Skilled Online Tutors in Abroad For All Classes
At Perfect Tutor, you can get high-quality verified online tutors for all subjects, boards, and classes. We also have teachers for all national and International exams preparation. So here you can hire an experienced online tutor as per your requirements and conditions.
One-to-one Session
Class 9th to 12th
Hire Professional tutors for 9th to 12th (All Boards & Subjects)
One-on-one Sessions
class 6th to 8th
Hire experienced tutors for 6th to 8th (All Boards & Subjects)

One-to-one Session
Class 1st to 5th
Hire Qualified tutors for 1st to 5th (All Boards & Subjects)

One-on-One Session
Classes for Nursery to UKG
Hire our Skilled and Certified teachers for your kids

Language Tutors
All Indian & Foreign Language
Learn English, French, German, Hindi, etc. from top experts tutors

Compitative Exams
National and International
Hire our Qualified Tutors for your National and International Competitive Exams
Explore Our Online Tutors In Canada
See our top online tutor's profiles in Abroad. All teachers are Experienced and Knowledgeable in their subjects. They all are well known for their effective and high-quality teaching methodology. So compare, hire, and start learning.

Emma Smith
₹7.00 Per Hour
8 years
Class- 1st to 8th
Mathematics and Science
Emma Smith has 8 years of experience teaching Mathematics up to Grade 8 and Science up to Grade 10. She is known for her patient approach and ability to simplify complex concepts, helping students build a strong foundation in these subjects.

John Smith
$7.00 Per Hour
10 years
Classes- All Class
English Literature,Spoken Language
John Smith has 10 years of teaching experience, John Smith specializes in English Literature and Spoken language for all classes. He guides students through literary analysis and essay composition techniques, Speaking skills preparing them for academic success.

Maria Ivanova
$7.00 Per Hour
5 years
class- XI to XII
Physics, Chemistry
Maria Ivanova has 5 years of experience teaching Physics and Chemistry to students in Grades 11-12, along with coaching for IIT-JEE entrance exams. He focuses on building strong conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills essential for competitive exams.

Dr. Jane Smith
$8.00 Per Hour
15 years
High School Students
Biology, Environmental Science
Dr. Smith specializes in ecology and has conducted research on endangered species in various ecosystems around the world. She teaches at an international school in Singapore, focusing on advanced biology and environmental studies for high school students.

Prof. John Doe
$9.00 Per Hour
20 years
Secondary School Students
Mathematics, Computer Science
Prof. Doe is an expert in computational mathematics and has taught at universities in the US and Europe. He currently teaches mathematics and computer science at a British international school in Dubai, catering to secondary school students.

Ms. Maria Garcia
$8.00 Per Hour
12 years
Higher Education
Spanish Language and Literature
Ms. Garcia is a native Spanish speaker from Argentina who has taught in international schools across Asia. She teaches Spanish language and literature classes at an American international school in Beijing, specializing in cultural immersion and language proficiency.

Mr. David Brown
$8.00 Per Hour
18 years
Classes: Higher Education
History, Political Science
Mr. Brown has taught at international schools in Africa and the Middle East, focusing on post-colonial studies and political theory. He currently teaches history and political science at a Canadian international school in Cairo, Egypt, encouraging critical thinking through debates and simulations of historical events.

Dr. Li Wei
$9.00 Per Hour
25 years
Classes: XI to XII
Chemistry, Physics
Dr. Wei has taught in Europe and China, specializing in quantum mechanics and materials science. He teaches chemistry and physics at an international school in Zurich, Switzerland, engaging students with experiments and theoretical discussions to deepen their understanding of scientific principles.

Dr. Ahmed Khan
$8.00 Per Hour
18 years
Classes: XI to XII
Economics, Business Studies
Dr. Khan specializes in macroeconomics and international trade. He has taught at international schools in the UAE and Qatar, currently teaching Economics and Business Studies at an American international school in Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khan integrates real-world case studies and simulations to engage students in understanding global economic principles.

Ms. Anna Petrova
$8.00 Per Hour
12 years
Classes: All ages and levels
English Literature, Language Arts
Ms. Petrova is a certified English teacher from Russia with a passion for literature and language acquisition. She has taught in international schools in Japan and South Korea and currently teaches English Literature and Language Arts at a British international school in Tokyo, Japan. Ms. Petrova fosters a love for reading and writing through creative projects and discussions on global literary themes.
Advantages For Students At Perfect Tutor

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Online Tutoring Platform For Students
Personalized Dashboard
Students and Tutors get a well-equipped personalized dashboard.
Attendance Records
Parents can see the Attendance Records of their Kids & Tutors anytime.
Live Classes
Students and Tutors can interact with each other through Live Classes
Auto Recording
Our platform has an auto-recording facility during live classes for students
Study Material & Notes
Students can get free study materials & notes for easy revision uploaded by teachers
Test and Exams
Take an online revision test to examine your knowledge and preparation.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you select your tutors, and what qualifications do they have?
We carefully select tutors based on their academic qualifications, teaching experience, and expertise in specific subjects. All our tutors hold degrees in their respective fields and have demonstrated teaching proficiency through previous tutoring or classroom experience.
What technology and platform do you use for online tutoring, and how do you ensure a secure learning environment?
We utilize a secure online platform that includes interactive tools such as virtual whiteboards, video conferencing, and screen-sharing capabilities. Our platform adheres to strict data protection protocols to ensure a safe and private learning environment for your child.
How does your online tutoring platform work?
Our platform connects students with qualified tutors via live video sessions. Tutors provide personalized instruction and support in various subjects.
What are the qualifications of your online tutors in abroad?
How can online tutoring help my child improve academically?
Online tutoring offers personalized attention, flexible scheduling, and access to resources that help to your child's learning needs and requirements.
Can tutors help with specific subjects or exam preparation?
Yes, tutors specialize in various subjects and can assist with homework, exam preparation (SAT, ACT, etc.), and advanced topics upon request.
What if my child needs help outside of scheduled tutoring sessions?
We offer additional resources such as practice tests, study materials, and 24/7 access to online support to help students outside of tutoring hours.
How user-friendly is your online tutoring platform?
Can I review my child's progress and session recordings?
Yes, parents have access to session recordings and progress reports to monitor their child's learning journey and communicate with tutors as needed.
What technology requirements are needed for online tutoring classes on your platform?
All you need is a computer or tablet with internet access and a webcam. Our platform supports multiple devices and operating systems.
How do I use this website to find online Teachers?
Simply go to our website's Search Tutors area and enter your city, location, subject, and class that you or your kid would want to be tutored in. Our database will quickly provide you with a selection of qualified online tutors that best meet your tuition needs. You may examine the tutor's qualifications, teaching experience, and other information by visiting the tutor's profile. If you don't want to go through so many profiles, we can identify a competent tutor who meets your needs. Simply ask your question below, and one of our staff members will call you shortly to discuss your needs.
Is technical support available if I encounter any issues with the platform?
Absolutely! Our customer support team is available to assist with any technical issues or questions you may have about using the platform.
Services we provide in Canada
We also offer Tutoring Jobs to Teachers and Tutors across Abroad. Teachers can get tuition jobs for all subjects, classes, boards, hobby classes, and language classes. Teachers also can get part-time or full-time teaching jobs for traditional and professional degree courses, competitive exams, and various entrance exams. Become our Tutor and Get a Free Online Teaching Platform & Teaching Materials.
We offer hassle-free tutoring services all over Abroad. We provide home and online tutors to students for all classes and subjects of all National, State, and International Boards, Language Classes, Hobby Classes, Engineering & Medical Entrance Exams, Competitive Exams, and University and College degree courses. Hire a Tutor and Get a Free Online Learning Platform & Study Notes.
Academic Classes: Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, Class 12.
Education Boards: Ministry of Education (Ontario), Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur (Québec), Alberta Education, British Columbia Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education (Saskatchewan), Manitoba Education and Training, Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Prince Edward Island Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, and all other national, international, and state boards.
Subjects for Class (1st - 10th)
Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science (SST), Sanskrit, Computer, General Knowledge (GK).
Subjects for Class (11th - 12th)
Science Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Geology, Engineering Drawing.
Arts Subjects: History, Geography, Civics, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Human Rights and Gender Studies, Public Administration, Home Science.
Commerce Subjects: Accountancy, Business Studies, Statistics, Legal Studies, Entrepreneurship.
Other Common Subjects: Computer Science, Economics, Informatics Practices, Mass Media Studies, Physical Education, Fashion Studies, and Fine Arts.
Languages: Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Tamil, Kannada, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Urdu and many others.
Programming Languages: Python, Java, .Net Training, C++ Language, C Language, PHP, Javascript, HTML, and others.
IT Training & Courses: Microsoft Office, SAP, Selenium, Angular.JS, Amazon Web Services, Adobe Photoshop, DevOps, Data Science, Web Designing, Web and App Development, etc.
Foreign Languages: Spoken English, German Language, French Language, Spanish Language, Japanese Language, Chinese Language, Arabic Language, Russian Language, Italian Language and many others.
Hobby Classes: Dance, Hindustani Music, Guitar, Carnatic Music, Keyboard, Yoga, Cooking, Photography, Drawing, Painting, Singing, Violin, Piano, Makeup, Handwriting and many others.
International Exams: IELTS Coaching, PTE Academic Exam Coaching, GRE Coaching, GMAT Coaching, TOEFL Coaching, and other international-level competitive exams.
Degree Courses: BA, B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, BCA, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, B.Tech, B.Arch, MBA, LLB and all other degree courses.
Entrance Exams: SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), ACT (American College Testing), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), GRE (Graduate Record Examination), GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), MCAT (Medical College Admission Test), LSAT (Law School Admission Test), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant).
Competitive Classes: Public Service Entrance Exams (PSEE), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Entrance Exam, Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT), Canadian Securities Course (CSC), Real Estate License Exams, Insurance Licensing Exams, Civil Service Exams, Firefighter Entrance Exams, Provincial Bar Exams, Professional Engineering Exams, Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examinations (MCCQE), National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) Examinations, National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Examinations, Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE), Provincial Teaching Certification Exams, Transport Canada Aviation Exams, Canadian Citizenship Test:
Hello, my name is Anusuya and I'm a student. The perfect tutor platform has greatly helped me in various subjects and improved my grades. The teachers of Perfect Tutor are well-educated and greatly experienced. They help me solve my queries and the sessions are very interactive. I'm thankful to the perfect tutor for providing me with such a great Teacher to solve my queries and to score well in the subjects.
Thank you.
Class 11th Student