Home Tutors in Mahagun Maple, Noida
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Why Choose “Perfect Tutor”
Perfect Tutor is one of the best tutoring platforms in Mahagun Maple, Noida. We have highly recommended tutors working with us. You can check our tutor's profile for things like grades, experience, location, etc. You will get a free home class demo from our tutor side.
Verified & Experienced Tutors
Focus on One-on-One Learning
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50000+ Registered Tutors
250000+ Happy Students
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Hire Qualified Tutors in Mahagun Maple, Noida For All Classes
Hiring a qualified home tutor will help you succeed in your academic life. It will help you improve your learning and other skills with a comfortable schedule. You will get prepaid study plans and study materials from your tutor.
One-to-One Session
Class 9th to 12th
Hire Professional tutors for 9th to 12th (All Boards & Subjects)
One-to-One Session
Class 6th to 8th
Hire experienced tutors for 6th to 8th (All Boards & Subjects)
One-to-One Session
Class 1st to 5th
Hire experienced tutors for 1st to 5th (All Boards & Subjects)
One-to-One Session
Class for Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten
Hire our Certified Teachers for your kids
Competitive Exams
JEE / NEET Preparation
Get ready for your JEE / NEET exam with the help of our experienced teachers.
Language Tutors
All Indian & Foreign Language
Learn English, French, German, Hindi etc. from top experts
Compare, Hire & Learn
Explore the Best Tutors in Mahagun Maple, Noida
Look no further. Hire our qualified home tutor today and start your learning with our tutor. Check out our tutor's profiles, compare them, hire them, and start learning.

Sunitha Rao
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹500.00 Per Hour
10 years
Classes 8th and 9th
Sunitha Rao has been teaching Geography to Class 8th and 9th students for 10 years. Her unique teaching style and real-world examples help students understand the subject better.

Amit Khanna
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹450.00 Per Hour
8 years
Classes 6th to 10th
Amit Khanna is a computer teacher with 8 years of experience. He guided students from class 6th to 10th about computer technology.

Lakshmi Iyer
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹500.00 Per Hour
14 years
Classes 11th and 12th
Lakshmi Iyer is an economics teacher with 14 years of experience and is teaching students of class 11 and 12. Her lessons and practical application of economics theory are helping students perform very well.

Neha Kapoor
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹450.00 Per Hour
6 years
Classes 6th to 10th
Environmental Science
With 6 years of experience, Neha Kapoor teaches Environmental Science to students from 6th to 10th. Her focus on environmental awareness inspires her students to bring positive results.

Swati Roy
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹500.00 Per Hour
6 years
Classes 8th to 10th
Swati Roy, an experienced French teacher, has been teaching the language to class 8th and 10th for over 6 years. Her in-depth teaching methods and cultural understanding make learning French an enjoyable experience.

Nisha Agarwal
Mahagun Maple, Noida
₹550.00 Per Hour
12 years
Classes 1st to 5th
Nisha Agarwal has 12 years of experience teaching Hindi to students of classes 1st to 5th. Her dedication towards the language helps students develop a deeper understanding of Hindi.
Advantages For Students At Perfect Tutor

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Compare top teachers, book a free demo, and hire
Private Online & Home Tuition Platform for Students
Personalised Dashboard
Students and Tutors get a well-equipped personalised dashboard.
Attendance Records
Parents can see the Attendance Records of their Kids & Tutors anytime.
Live Classes
Students and Tutors can interact with each other through Live Classes.
Auto Recording
Our platform has an auto recording facility during live classes for students.
Study Material & Notes
Students can get free study materials & notes for easy revision uploaded by teachers.
Test and Exams
Take an online revision test to examine your knowledge and preparation.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find a tutor through Perfect Tutor?
You can easily search for tutors based on your subject requirements and location on the Perfect Tutor website.
Are all your teachers qualified?
Yes, all the tutors on Perfect Tutor are experienced and well qualified to ensure quality education for students.
How do I hire a tutor?
You need to fill out a form on our website and specify your requirements, and our team will get in touch with you and help you find the right tutor.
Is there a trial class available?
Yes, Perfect Tutor provides free demo/trial classes so that students can analyze the teaching style of the tutor as per their requirements.
Can I choose between online and home tuition?
Yes, you have the option to choose between online tuition or home tuition depending on your choice and convenience.
What if I have a specific learning requirement?
You can explain your specific learning needs during the hiring process, and our team will help you to get the best home tutor as per your needs.
Are the tutoring sessions flexible?
Yes, the tuition sessions can be scheduled at a time that suits both the student and the teacher.
How can parents monitor their child's progress?
Parents can communicate with tutors and receive feedback about their child’s progress and areas for improvement.
Is there support available for tutors?
Yes, Perfect Tutor provides support and resources to tutors so that they can provide effective education to students.
How can I contact Perfect Tutor for more information?
You can contact us through the contact information given on the Perfect Tutor website for any queries or further assistance.
Services We Provide in Mahagun Maple, Noida
We also offer Tutoring Jobs to Teachers and Tutors across India. Teachers can get tuition jobs for all subjects, classes, boards, hobby classes, and language classes. Teachers also can get part-time or full-time teaching jobs for traditional and professional degree courses, competitive exams, and various entrance exams. Become our Tutor and Get Free Online Teaching Platform & Teaching Materials.
We offer hassle-free tutoring services all over India. We provide home and online tutors to students for all classes and subjects of all National, State, and International Boards, Language Classes, Hobby Classes, Engineering & Medical Entrance Exams, Competitive Exams, University and College degree courses. Hire a Tutor and Get Free Online Learning Platform & Study Notes.
Academic Classes: Pre Nursery, Nursery, KG, LKG, UKG, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, Class 12.
Education Boards: CBSE, ICSE, ISC, IGCSE, IB, NIOS, and all other national, international, and state boards.
Subjects for Class (1st - 10th)
Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science (SST), Sanskrit, Computer, General Knowledge (GK).
Subjects for Class (11th - 12th)
Science Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Geology, Engineering Drawing.
Arts Subjects: History, Geography, Civics, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Human Rights and Gender Studies, Public Administration, Home Science.
Commerce Subjects: Accountancy, Business Studies, Statistics, Legal Studies, Entrepreneurship.
Other Common Subjects: Computer Science, Economics, Informatics Practices, Mass Media Studies, Physical Education, Fashion Studies, Fine Arts
Language: Hindi, English, Spanish, French, Germann, and many others.
Programming Language: Python, Java, .Net Training, React, NodeJS, C Language, C++, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and others.
IT Training & Courses: Microsoft Excel, SAP, Angular.JS, AWS, Azure, Adobe softwares, DevOps, Data Analysis, Web and App Development, etc.
Foreign Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Japaneese, and Chinese.
Hobby Classes: Dance, Music, Painting, Singing, Guitar, Keyboard, and many others.
International Exam: IELTS, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, SAP, and other competitive exams.
Entrance Exam: JEE (Joint Entrance Exam), NEET (National Eligibility Entrance Test), SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).
It's been four years since I've been a part of Perfect Tutor as a student. Here I got an experienced tutor who helped me to achieve the highest marks in Physics. He supports me like a friend, helps me like a parent, and guides us like a guru.
AIR 2973 | NEET 2021