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Online Tutoring Services For Students in Canada

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Explore our online tutors in Canada

See our top online tutor's profiles in Canada. All teachers are verified and experienced in their subjects. They all are well known for their effective and high-quality teaching methodology. So compare, hire, and start learning.

4.5 (557 reviews)

Mary Johnson


$6.00 Per Hour

12 years

Grades 1-5

Elementary Math, Reading, Writing

Mary is an experienced elementary school teacher who excels at making learning fun and engaging for young children. She uses games and interactive activities to help kids build strong foundational skills in math, reading, and writing.

4.5 (635 reviews)

Robert Lee


$6.00 Per Hour

10 years

Grades 3-6

Science, Social Studies, Art

Robert brings science and social studies to life with hands-on experiments and creative projects. His energetic teaching style keeps kids interested and excited about learning.

4.5 (387 reviews)

Lisa Nguyen


$6.00 Per Hour

8 years

Grades K-5

English, ESL, Phonics

Lisa specializes in teaching English and ESL to young learners. Her patient and supportive approach helps children develop strong language skills, with a focus on phonics and reading comprehension.

4.5 (687 reviews)

Thomas Brown


$7.00 Per Hour

7 years

Grades 1-4

Math, Reading, Spelling

Thomas uses interactive tools and personalized lessons to help young students improve their math and reading skills. His engaging methods make learning enjoyable and effective.

4.5 (743 reviews)

Emma Wilson


$6.00 Per Hour

6 years

Grades 2-5

Science, Math, Reading

Emma combines her love for science and math with creative teaching strategies. She helps kids explore these subjects through fun experiments and interactive lessons that encourage curiosity and critical thinking.

Advantages For Students At Perfect Tutor

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Online Tutoring Platform For Students


Personalized Dashboard

Students and Tutors get a well-equipped personalized dashboard.


Attendance Records

Parents can see the Attendance Records of their Kids & Tutors anytime.


Live Classes

Students and Tutors can interact with each other through Live Classes.


Auto Recording

Our platform has an auto-recording facility during live classes for students


Study Material & Notes

Students can get free study materials & notes for easy revision uploaded by teachers


Test and Exams

Take an online revision test to examine your knowledge and preparation.

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