Online Geography Tutors in Canada
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Our Top Expert Online Geography Teachers In Canada
Discover the best online Geography Teachers in Canada, With Personalized lessons for all levels, and Achieve your goals with expert guidance. They all are well known for their effective and easy teaching methodology. So compare, hire, and start learning.

Sarah Mitchell
$6.00 Per Hour
15 years
Grades 6-12, College
Physical Geography, Human Geography, Environmental Studies
Sarah is an experienced geography tutor who provides in-depth lessons on physical and human geography. She uses real-world examples and interactive maps to make learning engaging and relevant.

David Johnson
$8.00 Per Hour
12 years
Grades 9-12
Geography, Geology, Environmental Science
David specializes in teaching high school students, focusing on geography and geology. His lessons often include hands-on activities and virtual field trips to help students understand the Earth's processes and landscapes.

Emily Roberts
$9.00 Per Hour
10 years
Grades 6-10
Geography, Social Studies, Environmental Education
Emily combines geography with social studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of the world. Her interactive lessons emphasize the relationship between human activities and the environment.

Michael Smith
$5.00 Per Hour
8 years
Grades 7-12
Geography, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), Earth Science
Michael integrates technology into his geography lessons, teaching students how to use GIS tools to analyze geographical data. His approach helps students develop valuable skills for understanding spatial information.

Laura Brown
$7.00 Per Hour
9 years
Grades 5-8
Geography, Environmental Science, World Cultures
Laura makes geography fun and accessible for middle school students. She incorporates lessons on world cultures and environmental science to give students a well-rounded understanding of the subject.