Online Economics Tutors in Canada
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Explore our online tutors in Canada
See our top online tutor's profiles in Canada. All teachers are verified and experienced in their subjects. They all are well known for their effective and high-quality teaching methodology. So compare, hire, and start learning.

John Carter
$8.00 Per Hour
12 years
High School (Grade 11-12), College Freshman and Sophomore
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory
John is a seasoned economics tutor who breaks down complex concepts into easily digestible lessons. His engaging teaching style helps students understand and apply economic theories to real-world situations.

Emily Zhang
$8.00 Per Hour
10 years
High School (Grade 11-12)
Macroeconomics, International Economics, Development Economics
Emily specializes in macroeconomics and international economics. She uses practical examples to make abstract concepts relatable, helping students grasp the big picture of global economic systems.

Rachel Adams
$7.00 Per Hour
10 years
Primary School (Grades 3-5)
Introduction to Economics, Basic Financial Literacy
Rachel makes learning about money and basic economics fun and engaging for young students. She uses games and activities to teach concepts like saving, spending, and simple budgeting.

John Davies
$7.00 Per Hour
6 years
Primary School (Grades 3-5)
Basic Economics, Everyday Economics
John uses everyday scenarios to explain economic concepts to primary students. His engaging teaching style and use of relatable examples make learning about economics fun and accessible.

Liam Johnson
$5.00 Per Hour
6 years
Primary School (Grades 3-5)
Introduction to Economics, Everyday Money Skills
Liam teaches primary students about economics and everyday money skills through hands-on activities and real-world examples. His lessons are designed to be fun and educational, helping children understand the basics of economics.