Online Biology Tutors in Canada
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Explore our online tutors in Canada
See our top online tutor's profiles in Canada. All teachers are verified and experienced in their subjects. They all are well known for their effective and high-quality teaching methodology. So compare, hire, and start learning.

Emily Thompson
$7.00 Per Hour
10 years
High School (Grade 11-12), College Freshman
Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Emily is an experienced biology teacher with a knack for making complex topics understandable. She uses visual aids and interactive tools to engage students and improve their comprehension.

James Carter
$6.00 Per Hour
8 years
High School (Grade 9-12)
Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science
James has a passion for the natural world and loves sharing it with his students. His interactive lessons and real-world examples make biology exciting and relevant.

Sophia Ramirez
$8.00 Per Hour
6 years
College Freshman and Sophomore
Biology, Genetics, Microbiology
Sophia specializes in college-level biology and genetics. Her detailed explanations and practical approach help students grasp challenging concepts and succeed in their courses.

William Lee
$5.00 Per Hour
5 years
High School (Grade 11-12), AP Classes
Biology, AP Biology, Biochemistry
William is dedicated to helping high school students excel in AP Biology. His structured lessons and exam-focused strategies prepare students well for their AP exams.

Olivia Johnson
$6.00 Per Hour
7 years
High School (Grade 10-12), College Freshman
Biology, Botany, Zoology
Olivia’s background in botany and zoology brings a unique perspective to her teaching. She uses engaging activities and examples to make biology interesting and relatable.